


To all staff,
Just a quick note of heartfelt appreciation for your efforts. My Father George Buckbee has just completed his short-term residence in B-6. I have been there almost every day to see your staff in action, being nothing shy of impressed with the overall care. I am acutely aware of your daily challenges and difficulty and appreciate all of your efforts on every level. You have made a tremendous impact and brought real courage and hope for my family. I am truly grateful and happy to be here for you any time I can help.

Bill Buckbee

I just wanted to inform you of the wonderful stay I experience at Candlewood Valley.

On the night I arrived I was greeted with a smile from Christopher (male nurse on my ward) and 2 other employees. I was wheeled into a private room that I was impressed at first site (at first I thought they had the wrong room!) The warm greeting I received made me feel instantly calm.

The PT person who took excellent care or me called Dan, welcomed me the next day when I got up. A few times I told Dan I was not up the PT that day, and within mins I was on my way to my daily exercises. One day I looked at Dan as we walking down the hall, “how do you do that, whenever I say I am not up to PT you change my mind, every time!” He smile and said “the power of persuasion”.

Every member of the nursing staff were “outstanding”. All hard workers and caring. I want to also state “Jenny (a nurses aid) was a love! When she helped me take a shower she was singing! I loved that, little things make a patient feel better that she may not even know! Please tell her to keep on singing Jenny, and let her know she is in the right job! She was a pleasure to see every day she worked.

Also the male nurse Chris was another exceptional employee, always making me laugh, and holding my hand when I was in pain late at night, that was when my pain was the worst. Other staff members I do not remember their names, but were also “outstanding, and I will never forget them”. I would recommend your center to anyone who needs care after a knee surgery.

Thank-you for all you do, and keep up the excellent work, it does not go unnoticed!!

Ellen Stone-Mazzella

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